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After receiving formal 501c3 status in 2002, S.M.A.R.T.  directors formalized their art educating and community building skillsets by creating a nonprofit that serves and nurtures young minds. In 2005 Briscoe Elementary curriculum contained no art, it was then that S.M.A.R.T. was invited to teach an art class. Within 2 years we were teaching the entire school on our campus. We continue to serve the entire pre-K - 5th grade population  by creating art experiences that support emotional health. In addition to our weekly classes, S.M.A.R.T. expands student voice with public art opportunity and teaches sustainable living in the S.M.A.R.T. Education Garden. We are happy to say, that where once Briscoe did not have art, in 2017 they became an

IB World Baccalaureate School focused on Fine arts and World Music. The work continues...

Andy Benavides

Andy Benavides has been a prominent community leader for over 25 years, and is a professional artist with regular exhibitions, commissions, and collectors.  He has a lifetime commitment to the Arts and community building. Andy's full bio

Yvette Benavides

Yvette Benavides has served as Director since S.M.A.R.T's inception in 2002. Yvette was born in Michigan, migrated to the Pacific Northwest, and eventually landed in San Antonio. She has a rich background, and is deeply committed to the Arts. Yvette's full bio

B O A R D   O F   D I R E C T O R S

Sarah Christal

Greg Murray, President

Samantha Demory
Carlos R. Zapata

Chris Weber

Read full Board Bios here

Your support is critical to our success. Thank you for being S.M.A.R.T.
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1906 S. Flores | San Antonio, TX  78204 |

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