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A Garden for Creative Seeds


in the early 1990’s, Southtown originated as part of a neighborhood revitalization project on one street. As time passed it grew to encompass 5 neighborhoods.


Over 30 years, S.M.A.R.T. watched the evolution in their surrounding neighborhoods and saw a common thread - they were united through arts and creativity. It was time to brand the area, pull them all together and work to sustain the area as a viable artistic haven.


In 2016 we approached neighborhood leaders within district boundaries with our idea to pull all five neighborhoods together, highlight their cultural assets and work together to sustain them. The idea was well received as they saw the potential of working collectively as supporters of the community's arts and cultural resources. 

S.M.A.R.T. took to the streets. With 2 directors and a volunteer we went door to door and began telling artists, art leaders and businesses. With the support of District 5 Councilwoman Shirley Gonzalez, we built a website, a brand and social media platform that pulled us all together. Strength in numbers.


Southtown is meant to share the diversity and creativity within it's 3.5 square mile boundary.  


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